

Living Stones Basketball Classes


張貽島老師  Instructor: Itau Chang           





  Private lessons are available at John D. Morgan Park Outdoor Court, Campbell, CA, USA

  Text coach at (408)679-1833 for more information.










To help students develop a life-long passion and enjoyment for basketball through teaching sound fundamentals.




One's best coach is oneself; Living Stones Basketball Class will help a player develop the ability to coach himself or herself.


The three goals of a youth sports program should be development, fun and winning. After developing basic skills, basketball will be a fun game and winning will come with it eventually. To teach fundamentals correctly, progressively and efficiently is the main objective of Living Stones Basketball Class.

Who Should Attend

Whoever is interested in learning the game of basketball is welcomed.  However, certain level of physical maturity (hand-eye coordination & strength) and mental maturity (concentration & discipline) are required.


To avoid developing bad form and habits, the appropriate basketball size for each student is essential. Generally speaking, Size 7 (regulation, 29.5”-30.5”) is for boys 7th grade and up; Size 6 (women, intermediate, 28.5”) for girls 5th grade & up or boys 5th & 6th grades; Size 5 (junior, youth, 27.5”) for 3rd & 4th grades; Size 4 (mini, 25.5”) for 1st & 2nd grades.

Basket Heights

Lower baskets for lower grades are highly recommended. If possible, we set the basket height at 7 to 8 feet for 1st & 2nd grades; 8 to 9 feet for 3rd & 4th grades.


LSB Class emphasizes playing basketball with both hands as equally as possible. From day one, all dribbling drills always start with non-dominant (weaker) hand. All students in 5th grade or beyond will be expected being able to dribble, pass, shoot lay-ups with non-dominant hand, and eventually, even shoot free throws and jump shots. LSB Class strongly believes that everyone needs two strong hands to play basketball.

To get a better understanding about the importance of ambidexterity to athletes, you may read "Should You Teach Youth Players To Shoot A Basketball With Both Hands Equally?" by Joe Haefner.


林書豪 苦練左側進攻能力 中時電子報 - 2012820

「左手」不只是輔助!豪小子練雙向攻擊 自由時報 - 2012820


Homework will be assigned and students are expected to do it regularly. 10-15 minutes every day or 20-30 minutes every other day is recommended. This website serves as a reminder and reference if students forget what to do and how to do a certain drill.


1.   What is traveling? Why is a one-dribble lay-up in slow motion (e.g. walking) traveling, but at a normal speed (e.g. running) not? (see Basketball 101)

2.   Here are 4 Spin Moves & 5 Dribble & Hop Moves. Do you see any traveling violations? If so, why? (refer to Basketball 101 again)

Free Throw

World Record

On November 15, 1993, Dr. Tom Amberry made 2,750 consecutive free throws and stopped without a miss. He was 72 years old at the time.

On April 28, 1996, Ted St Martin made 5,221 consecutive free throws in 7:20 hours.

You may check on line - http://www.recordholders.org/en/list/freethrows.html

How many can you make in a row? Set a personal goal and work on it.



1. 左右不為難   篮球入门,左右手運球无礙

2. 行雲流水 ─  有效掌握運球節奏,左右手上籃自如。

3. 出神入化 ─  随机应变,從心所欲,防不勝防



Dribbling Drills

Machine Gun Dribble 1 2

Figure 8 (1-2-3-0) (1-3-0) (2-0) (0)

Figure 8 (3-2-1-0) (2-1-0) (1-0) (0) (?)

Up 2, Back 2, Crossover


Crossover 1 2

V-dribble & Crossover


Skip Dribble 1 2

Stationary Walk


Behind Back 1 2

Two-ball V-dribble 1 2


Push-pull, V-dribble, Crossover

Spin V-dribble & Spin


V, Inside-out, Front, Between, Behind

V, Inside-out-between, Behind


Figure 0 (2-0)

Between-legs 3 2 1 0


Between-legs Walking

Between-legs Slow Quick Quick & Slow


1-2-3&-4 series 1 2 3 4 5 6





Ball Handling


Hand to Hand 1 2

Pendulum Swing Pendulum Swing & Dribble

Quick hand 1 2 3

Drop & Catch 1 2 3


Circle 1 2 3 4






Shooting Drills

Form Shooting 1 1.1 2 3 4 5 6

Step & Shoot 1 Catch & Shoot

Push-pull & Shoot 1 2 3 4

Speed Lay-up


Shooting Workout

Spin Lay-up (R) (L)


Progressive Lay-ups

Behind-back Lay-up (L)


Hook Shot

Spin Move (L) (R) Fake Spin Move 1 2


A Fancy Lay-up 1 2 3 4 5

Set Shot Jump Shot-1 Jump Shot-2


1 Dribble Jumpers

1 Dribble Hop Options


Rip Thru Series 1-7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Turn Around Jumpers


Shooting Arc

What is the optimal angle for shooting a basketball? Since very few people may release the ball at 10 feet, so for most people, there are two angles to consider - entry angle and shot angle. (If the releasing point is exact 10', both angles are equal. Some professional players may release the ball at that height when taking jump shots.)

For all people who have studied physics may guess that 45° entry angle should be the best. However, how to prove it mathematically? And, how about shot angle? A scientific answer to these 2 questions can be found in  "The Optimal Arc Angles for Shooting a Basketball" by Dr. Frank Lin (kwofranklin@gmail.com).



In summary, base on Dr. Lin's assumption of the best shot is the shot with minimum speed, the optimal shot angle is


45° half of the elevation angle of shooter's hand to the basket


and entry angle is


45° half of the elevation angle of shooter's hand to the basket.


Be noticed that β (Elevation Angle) is depends on 2 variables - A (Shooter Release Height) and X (Shot Distance). 


However, personally, I believe that the optimal entry angle should be always 45°. It does not matter how high and how far ball is shot. What a player really needs to focus on is to get the ball entering the 10-foot hoop with an angle as close to 45° as possible. Others are just for curiosity, fun, and reference.









Quick Feet 1 2 3 4

Quick Stop & Pivot


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Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what your really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.                                                                                                                                                                          ~ John Wooden

The mediocre teacher tells.平庸的老師傳達知識 
The good teacher explains.
The superior teacher demonstrates.
The great teacher inspires.

                                                                                                                 -- William Arthur Ward 1921-1994

鴛鴦繡了從教看,把金針度與人   ~ 金‧元好問(11901257

把金針度與人   ~ 胡適  (1891 1962)

把金針度與人   李敖提出的「要把金針度與人」的觀念很棒,說穿了就是「分享」二字。如同軟體商開放原始碼(Linux 作業系統、Mozilla 瀏覽器等),使用者可以自行使用、複製、散佈、研究、改進,讓每個人都能免費使用「自己想要」的軟體。 (樂多日誌

把金針度與人。 我們從神白白得來的一切,也應快樂地與人分享。"貨惡其棄於地也,不必藏於己。力惡其不出於身也,不必為己。" 助人為快樂之本;施比受更為有福;誠哉斯言!


知之者不如好之者;好之者不如樂之者。   ~ 孔子


另一解,道練球的重要而不去行,不如聽老師的話,好練習; 然而,再的練習,也不如快快樂地練習。

表現音樂必須以愛為之。         指揮大師卡拉揚

夕陽無限好,只是近黃昏。   ~ 李商隱

但得夕陽無限好,何須惆悵近黃昏。   ~ 朱自清,五十自壽

秋風清,秋月明;落葉聚還散,寒鴉棲復驚。相思相見知何日?此時此夜難為情。     ~ 李白

眾裡尋他千百度;驀然回首,那人卻在燈火闌珊處!                                  ~ 辛棄疾

In a hundred ways; I search for you near and far.  Turing to look behind, Eureka    ~ 譯:陳炯朗

也想不相思,可免相思苦。幾次细思量,情願相思苦。   ~ 詞:胡適; 曲:趙元任

雲對雨  雪對風  晚照對晴空  來鴻對去燕  宿鳥對鳴蟲 

三尺劍  六鈞弓  嶺北對江東  人間清暑殿  天上廣寒宮 

夾岸曉煙楊柳綠  滿園春色杏花紅  兩鬢風霜途次早行之客  一蓑煙雨溪邊晚釣之翁

                                                                                                         ~ 聲韻啟蒙/東韻(首段)


1. 三光日月星;四詩風雅頌。   ~ 註:四詩國風,大雅,小雅,頌。

    許老師之 "眾人老病死" 亦 為佳作。

2. 張長弓,騎奇馬,單戈作戰。嫁家女,孕乃子,生男曰甥。

3. 海納百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,無欲則剛。  ~ 林則徐

4. 綠水本無憂因風皺面;青山原不老為雪白頭

5. 四面荷花三面柳;一城山色半城湖。

6. 豈能盡如人意;但求無愧我心。或曰:豈能盡如人意;力求不負主恩。

7. 天作棋盤星作子日月爭光。雷為戰鼓電為旗風雲際會

8.無可奈何花落去,似曾相識燕歸來。   ~ 詞:晏殊

9.安危他日終須仗,甘苦來時要共嘗。   ~ 孫中山贈黃興



                                  ~ 孫中山輓宋教仁


波蘭人居禮夫人發現釙和鐳兩種元素,並使她的新猷應用於醫學等方面,有益全人類。她拒絕申請專利,又使全人類蒙受優惠。美國人不乏新猷,但是「專利」扼殺別人的發展;「高價」阻止了窮人的均沾。比起居禮夫人來,未免遜色。賈伯斯 (Steve Jobs) 之死,使我想起居禮夫人,想起生在19世紀的大人物。

                                  ~ 李敖

Owen & Ava